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Map Statistics

In 2 days 29 games have been played on 26 maps totalling 257 rounds.

Combined Map Totals
Counter-Terrorists Terrorists
Total Kills: 846
Total Wins: 141
Defused Bomb: 5
VIP Escaped: 0
Saved Hostages: 6
Total Kills: 624
Total Wins: 75
Target Bombed: 5
VIP Killed: 0
Escaped: 0
cs_militia 2 games played (6.90%). 11 total rounds (4.28%). 2m59s avg round time.
Total time 42m. Last played on 04/27/03 at 12:13:22am.
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Total Kills: 25 2.96%
Total Wins: 2 1.42%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 1 16.67%
Total Kills: 27 4.33%
Total Wins: 5 6.67%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_747 2 games played (6.90%). 15 total rounds (5.84%). 1m10s avg round time.
Total time 20m. Last played on 04/27/03 at 01:17:10am.
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Total Kills: 41 4.85%
Total Wins: 10 7.09%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 24 3.85%
Total Wins: 3 4.00%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_siege 2 games played (6.90%). 19 total rounds (7.39%). 1m52s avg round time.
Total time 40m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 11:44:33pm.
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Total Kills: 55 6.50%
Total Wins: 4 2.84%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 80 12.82%
Total Wins: 13 17.33%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_drugwar 1 games played (3.45%). 11 total rounds (4.28%). 1m22s avg round time.
Total time 22m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 07:20:46pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 21 2.48%
Total Wins: 7 4.96%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 2 0.32%
Total Wins: 2 2.67%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_iraq 1 games played (3.45%). 10 total rounds (3.89%). 1m39s avg round time.
Total time 20m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 10:18:59pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 60 7.09%
Total Wins: 8 5.67%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 23 3.69%
Total Wins: 1 1.33%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_rio 1 games played (3.45%). 9 total rounds (3.50%). 2m avg round time.
Total time 20m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 11:00:05pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 35 4.14%
Total Wins: 3 2.13%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 33 5.29%
Total Wins: 5 6.67%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_kloster 1 games played (3.45%). 18 total rounds (7.00%). 56s avg round time.
Total time 21m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 06:59:41pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 67 7.92%
Total Wins: 17 12.06%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 23 3.69%
Total Wins: 0 0.00%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_backalley 1 games played (3.45%). 8 total rounds (3.11%). 2m12s avg round time.
Total time 20m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 10:39:34pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 20 2.36%
Total Wins: 0 0.00%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 46 7.37%
Total Wins: 7 9.33%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

de_cbble 1 games played (3.45%). 11 total rounds (4.28%). 1m33s avg round time.
Total time 21m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 06:17:49pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 76 8.98%
Total Wins: 9 6.38%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 43 6.89%
Total Wins: 1 1.33%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_assault2k 1 games played (3.45%). 16 total rounds (6.23%). 1m29s avg round time.
Total time 27m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 08:49:59pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 21 2.48%
Total Wins: 9 6.38%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 15 2.40%
Total Wins: 5 6.67%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_havana 1 games played (3.45%). 13 total rounds (5.06%). 1m21s avg round time.
Total time 20m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 05:11:44pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 53 6.26%
Total Wins: 10 7.09%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 3 50.00%
Total Kills: 26 4.17%
Total Wins: 2 2.67%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

de_scud 1 games played (3.45%). 12 total rounds (4.67%). 1m22s avg round time.
Total time 20m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 05:57:11pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 73 8.63%
Total Wins: 10 7.09%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 33 5.29%
Total Wins: 1 1.33%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_bier 1 games played (3.45%). 5 total rounds (1.95%). 1m30s avg round time.
Total time 8m. Last played on 04/27/03 at 12:05:03am.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 5 0.59%
Total Wins: 2 1.42%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 6 0.96%
Total Wins: 1 1.33%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_arabstreets 1 games played (3.45%). 3 total rounds (1.17%). 5m avg round time.
Total time 22m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 08:05:22pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 0 0.00%
Total Wins: 0 0.00%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 0 0.00%
Total Wins: 0 0.00%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

de_dust2 1 games played (3.45%). 11 total rounds (4.28%). 1m2s avg round time.
Total time 0s. Last played on 04/27/03 at 01:17:41am.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 18 2.13%
Total Wins: 6 4.26%
Defused Bomb: 4 80.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 14 2.24%
Total Wins: 4 5.33%
Target Bombed: 3 60.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_rats2_final 1 games played (3.45%). 2 total rounds (0.78%). 19s avg round time.
Total time 54s. Last played on 04/27/03 at 12:55:47am.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 0 0.00%
Total Wins: 0 0.00%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 0 0.00%
Total Wins: 0 0.00%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_church2 1 games played (3.45%). 3 total rounds (1.17%). 20s avg round time.
Total time 1m. Last played on 04/27/03 at 12:33:49am.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 0 0.00%
Total Wins: 0 0.00%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 3 0.48%
Total Wins: 1 1.33%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_tire 1 games played (3.45%). 7 total rounds (2.72%). 2m12s avg round time.
Total time 20m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 06:39:12pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 24 2.84%
Total Wins: 1 0.71%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 1 16.67%
Total Kills: 45 7.21%
Total Wins: 5 6.67%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_italy 1 games played (3.45%). 13 total rounds (5.06%). 1m22s avg round time.
Total time 20m. Last played on 04/27/03 at 12:35:19am.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 31 3.66%
Total Wins: 4 2.84%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 1 16.67%
Total Kills: 52 8.33%
Total Wins: 8 10.67%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_ship 1 games played (3.45%). 11 total rounds (4.28%). 1m53s avg round time.
Total time 24m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 05:32:26pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 51 6.03%
Total Wins: 8 5.67%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 33 5.29%
Total Wins: 2 2.67%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_aldi2k 1 games played (3.45%). 3 total rounds (1.17%). 5m avg round time.
Total time 22m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 08:27:40pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 0 0.00%
Total Wins: 0 0.00%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 0 0.00%
Total Wins: 0 0.00%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_beirut 1 games played (3.45%). 3 total rounds (1.17%). 1m1s avg round time.
Total time 3m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 11:20:38pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 3 0.35%
Total Wins: 0 0.00%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 6 0.96%
Total Wins: 1 1.33%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_alpin 1 games played (3.45%). 11 total rounds (4.28%). 1m35s avg round time.
Total time 20m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 09:17:05pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 50 5.91%
Total Wins: 7 4.96%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 23 3.69%
Total Wins: 3 4.00%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

de_dust 1 games played (3.45%). 13 total rounds (5.06%). 1m37s avg round time.
Total time 25m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 04:46:15pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 23 2.72%
Total Wins: 9 6.38%
Defused Bomb: 1 20.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 18 2.88%
Total Wins: 3 4.00%
Target Bombed: 2 40.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_cinema 1 games played (3.45%). 11 total rounds (4.28%). 1m26s avg round time.
Total time 20m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 09:37:41pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 42 4.96%
Total Wins: 9 6.38%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 28 4.49%
Total Wins: 1 1.33%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

cs_docks 1 games played (3.45%). 8 total rounds (3.11%). 1m48s avg round time.
Total time 20m. Last played on 04/26/03 at 09:58:21pm.
Click here to view map stats for this map
Total Kills: 52 6.15%
Total Wins: 6 4.26%
Defused Bomb: 0 0.00%
VIP Escaped: 0 0.00%
Saved Hostages: 0 0.00%
Total Kills: 21 3.37%
Total Wins: 1 1.33%
Target Bombed: 0 0.00%
VIP Killed: 0 0.00%
Escaped: 0 0.00%

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